Don’t Let Anything Press Your Head

Day after busy day You press my head In an effort to cleanse your hands But what is used to wash away whatever is pressing your head? What is used to destroy your stress the way I destroy harmful microbes of your palms? Darling, I live for my head to be pressed But you shouldn’t…

The Ride of 2016

Yep, one more year ticked off the chart. How did it go? Did I like it? Was this year better than the last? Did I learn new lessons? Questions reflexively burst forth from your conscience onto yourself as you look over your shoulder at the year and assess everything that went on with you. And…

Healthy Author

I hope everyone had a beautiful, blessed, colourful, happy and safe Diwali celebration this weekend. Wishing you all many wonderful celebrations to come and always keep that smile intact on your face. Recently, my post number was increased by the announcement of the release of my book, some random musings and book reviews. So basically,…