Cinderella Was Meant To Be A Queen

Heard the story of Cinderella from Mum when I was seven.

Then watched Disney’s 1950 classic a few months later.

I fell in love with it back then and I’m still in love with it.

The scenes starring the witty and cute mice earned laughter and admiration out of me back then and they still earn laughter and admiration out of me now.


But now that I’ve grown up and am more perceptive to every movie I’m watching, I found out something about Cinderella when I was watching the movie yesterday.

She really was meant to be the Queen.

The wicked stepmother, the slavery in her own home and winning the Crown Prince’s heart may look very Mary Sue-ish to many people. For a minute, even I was under the same idea, before I shook my head. No, Cinderella couldn’t be a Mary Sue. Not my most favourite Disney Princess.

Then I realised all these shaped her to be the perfect and most eligible Queen to sit on the throne.

I’ll tell you why.


Cinderella has to be the most patient lady I’ve ever seen. She could have easily raged and stormed at her stepfamily for reducing her to a maid from the level of an aristocrat’s daughter, but she doesn’t. Her stepmother does threaten her to turn her out of the house if she didn’t follow instructions, but still, she could have easily thrown stuff around in her attic room to vent out her emotions. That doesn’t happen either.


Her serenity, gentle nature and resilience offers to be a soothing balm to the outbursts of the Royal family when things turn upside down. Being a Queen means to endure so many amounts of stress. We see the otherwise merry King prone to temperamental explosions now and then – As is proved when he smashes a crown through a window. Though we see the Prince to be kind and gentle, there’s no telling he can never explode like that, being his son. That’s where she would calm him down and give him expert advice on how to get over anger. Cinderella’s tolerance will open doors to sensible solutions to the good of the country. Decisions pondered over and considered in a fazed and confused state can’t promise sense as much as a calmed mind would conclude.

Organisational Skills:

How she gets all her work done before bedtime, I’ll never know. We’re talking about cooking three or four meals a day, sweeping and scrubbing a manor, washing a Mount Everest of clothes, mending and sewing clothes to the stepsisters’ expectations, taking care of own her health in case she falls ill, dusting cupboards, arranging them, dusting the rest of the furniture, receiving extra work as punishments if she so much as crashes a teacup, gardening the plants … I’m out of breath.

But she gets all of them done.

In the movie, we see a huge list of things to be done for the day as well as extra laundry and work while the family is getting ready for the ball. And by the evening, we see her retiring for the night after completion. Only a cleverly devised schedule and quickness of muscle labour could accomplish that.


Her clever mind is a priceless benefit to the Royal Family. Not that they aren’t already clever, being in the positions they are in, but her presence is an extra advantage.

When troubles grow to a number that cannot be borne by normal shoulders, she’ll be there to properly organise and clean things up within a few minutes. The time management skills she’ll apply will be a huge guide to getting things done within the allotted time.

Silver Lining:

No wonder her stepfamily hates her so much.

Why wouldn’t they be annoyed as she skips through every single demanding day with a smile?

She greets the day by laughing and spending time with the mice and birds and sings through her chores, turning them fun.


The concept of the silver lining will be so hardwired into her that she’ll inevitably apply the same principle to any gloomy situation at the Palace. When people of the Royal Family are down with their spirits, that can’t be good for the country. She’ll know how and where to see the sun through the dark clouds, bringing colour and life back to their faces, leading to hope, spirit and confidence strengthening the people.


One genuine smile from a genuine heart directed her way and she’ll love you forever.

Grown up within four walls of insults, commands, reprimands and punishments, all Cinderella ever wanted was some kind of love for her existence. That’s why she immediately loves the mice, who are the only souls in the house to like her for who she is. They give her a flower, and she gives them bouquets. She feeds them, sews them clothes, and provides a warm home for them, keeping the mean cat away from them as much as she can.


When she can love every small kind expression directed her way, there’s no doubt she will extend the same heart of compassion to the country. Isn’t that what a country wants? Genuine love and care? The compassion which will lead to many considerations of them and having their best interests in heart?

Small wonder she’s the owner of those glass slippers.


They were created to be unique, just like her.

I’m pretty sure her time as the Queen was one to be blessed to the country and the Royal Family.

Cinderella 2 Dreams Come True (2002)12

This is why I love Cinderella more than the other Disney Princesses.

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