What Lines Suit You?

Clothes of different styles, types, colours and brands play a huge role in every day life. In the olden days, garments of cloths were draped over oneself just to protect their privacy but as people and years evolved, the whole world has become a fashion vista and you now see a splay of bright colours when you open someone’s wardrobe.

Not every single type of clothing suit everyone, though. A simple pair of jeans that will look good on one person doesn’t quite have the same effect on another, since the latter has an affinity to traditional clothing more. Dressing yourself up is basically the way you express yourself. If you’re in a good mood, you’d wear the best of your wardrobe. If you’re in a dull mood, you’d choose the one that best matches it.

Even if you don’t know it’s someone’s birthday, you’ll see the signs of it as they wear their new dress and have a radiant face. I once had this funny incident back in college, when during my brother’s birthday, I wore a new dress too. It was a lovely green and blue chudi made from my mother’s saree and since I entered the classroom with a big smile on my face (wearing matching accessories too), all the girls burst into the Happy Birthday song before I could blink. By the time I managed to shout over them saying it wasn’t my birthday, they’d almost finished singing.

So what is it about a certain dress that looks so good on a person? How come some dresses don’t suit them while some others make them stand out from everyone else?

Some of the basic elements that distinguish different dresses are the elements of design – Lines, Shape, Texture and Colour.

Lines in a garment are created by darts and decorative details. There are two types of lines – straight and curved. The kinds of straight lines on apparels are: Vertical, horizontal and diagonal.

Vertical Lines:


Vertical lines on dresses produce an illusion of increased height as well as slim down your figure. If you want to make yourself look taller with those pair of high heels, choose the dress with the vertical stripes and you can flaunt yourself out there. These lines are denoted either by the design on it, or a row of buttons or vertical bands and laces.

Vertical lines also give you a strong and sophisticated look.

Horizontal Lines:


These add width and decrease apparent height. So if a slim person wants to make herself look wider, she can choose one that has horizontal lines. You can also make yourself look shorter with the help of these lines.

A wide contrasting coloured belt shortens the figure by cutting the garment into two segments.


Diagonal Lines:


Diagonal lines have the combined effect of vertical and horizontal lines. They modify the vertical qualities of dignity and sophistication to give a more softened effect, as well as add or decrease height depending on the person’s shape. Diagonal lines flex themselves to what is required.

Curved Lines:


Curved lines, when used correctly, highlight the natural shape of the body. They are graceful and give the wearer a more feminine effect. Even when they’re associated with vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines, their effect will not be minimised; however, it should be noted that the curved lines should be the most prominent in these cases.

The beauty of curved lines is that when concentrated on one particular area of the body, they can either make it look slimmer or wider. For example, if the curves converge at the waist, it will make it look smaller. If they diverge at the hips, they can make it look wider.

With the help of these optical illusions in fashion, you can choose what suits you best and what can make your figure look good.


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