Pride and Prejudice


You know how there exists a kind of people who turn up late for a party? And regret having not come sooner?


I’m one of those with regard to this bewitching, enchanting and clever novel given birth to by Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice. I’ve never been inclined to read classics before, having been comfortable in reading modern books and works of the present-day authors. I still can’t understand why I forfeited classics but better late than never, for I was so impressed and felt so proud on having not only read, but enjoyed to the core, Austen’s best loved and most popular love story between the renowned characters, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy.

This my second classic, for the first attempt at classical literature – Wuthering Heights – was a bit of a disaster and made me snap the book shut halfway through, unable to carry on further. I just couldn’t stand Heathcliff’s brooding, let alone Catherine Linton. I wouldn’t have survived the next half of the story. If there are any fans of Bronte’s work reading this, I’m terribly sorry for offending you guys.

So this impression made me think twice on reading the second classic book waiting for me on my desk – Jane Austen’s masterpiece.


I was apprehensive about what I was to expect from Lizzie and Darcy. I’ve heard the former is one of the cleverest and mischievous female characters to exist and the latter the most influencing romantic heroes of all time. Plus, there are two crazy besties of mine who are over the moon for Darcy. So trusting those two, I decided to give Austen a chance and she found me hooked onto her book whenever I could find time to binge reading, and losing my heart to Miss Bennet and Mr Darcy.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 

The opening to the story gives us a clear idea to the fact societal status and welfare plays a pivotal role throughout the course of the book. The desire of attaining that for her five daughters is verbally expressed non-stop by the dear Mrs Bennet. She turned out completely insane, paranoid and funny in unintended ways that I had to control my laughter every time she drove poor Mr Bennet or Lizzie up the wall. Do I have to mention her incredible, beaming face at Lydia’s forbidden means of marriage while the rest were furious with her for bringing disgrace to the family? I’d say Mrs Bennet’s character of getting daughters married as soon as possible, irrespective of whether they like their suitor or not, is impersonated by tons of mothers and grandmothers around us. Wouldn’t you agree?

Coming to Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy.

A feisty, bold woman ready to take on the world with her wit and mischief; and a quiet, reserved but clever man who looks like he’s made out of stone but owns a heart of gold. A prejudiced woman whose first impressions carve out another person’s complete character in a second; a wealthy man of pride over his status who suffers from about the same prejudice about first impressions.

And when these two connect observational gazes, it is likely nothing can ever work out between them. But the impossible is made possible by the two in question overcoming their pride and prejudice with the help of dimensional circumstances that come to their aid for proper understanding, elimination of dislike and admitting their hearts burn for each other. Well, one of them realized their desire much sooner, but the terminal prejudice of the object of attraction thwarted and destroyed things. You can’t blame her either. Because we’re all prejudiced along with her. And find her argument against Darcy quite reasonable and fair. I was appalled with Darcy till that point (excepting my expression at the way he confessed. That was quite brief, but astounding, and at a point I wasn’t on my guard) and was confused at what every other girl, including my besties, swooning over the impossible Darcy found in him. But his silent yet very elaborated means of showing Lizzie and us the other part of the mirror was quite captivating and so blatantly honest, that it completely destroyed the negative image. I loved it. I loved every bit of that explanation.

If Lizzie had fallen in love with him the next moment (like some other heroines of the modern day works), I wouldn’t have been quite impressed, because that’s not how your heart jumps from one end to the other. It’s impossible. And she knows it, which is why I loved her even more for analysing Mr Darcy carefully for the rest of the story before concluding he is the only man to complete her, hence allowing her heart to belong to him.

But the climax was only my second favourite scene. Because my most favourite scene was of Elizabeth shutting up Lady Catherine when she confronted her about Darcy and threatened her not to marry him.

Pride and Prejudice was awesomeness impersonated within the pages of a 373 page novel of Collins Classics.

I loved how their relationship developed.

I loved the way the pair of them overcame their pride and prejudice.

I loved Mr Darcy’s decision to make sure his chance with Lizzie is hopeful before making the move again.

I loved Lizzie for opening herself and accepting him.

And I loved the 2005 movie adaptation made an addictive watch by the outstanding, deeply into character acting by Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFayden.

As soon as I finished the book, I went hunting online for a good print and watched it as soon as I found one. I knew of the movie a long time ago but never watched it, having not read the book yet. I don’t like watching movies, great movies especially, made from books without reading first. So I was really glad I saved it for the right moment.

And while the confrontation scene between Lady Catherine and Elizabeth maybe my favourite from the book, Darcy’s proposal in the rain and Elizabeth’s clear vision of him in the early rays of the sun were my favourite scenes from the movie.

I generally don’t watch romance movies over and over, though I have an affinity for that genre.Only very rare screenplays of excellence encourage me to do that and one example is the Thai romantic comedy, First Love. Till now, I won’t hesitate to indulge myself with those two sweethearts. That movie is one of the most neatest, yet winning romance movies to exist.

I wondered if I’d ever come across another movie to steal my heart and make me want to view it at least a hundred times.

There, apparently, was one more.

Pride and Prejudice enchanted me right to the bone, throwing me off board. Though it ran for two hours, I felt it was too short and would have most appreciated an extra two hours. Because it was that beautiful to watch; and with Keira Knightly grabbing the essence of Elizabeth’s character and rocking the screen with the witty, sarcastic tone and strong attitude expected of her, Matthew MacFayden brought the real Fitzwilliam Darcy to life with that powerful, piercing stare and profound tone that had extreme influences. Believe me, they are not curable at all.

And to you other admirers of his out there, I’ve got a treat right here.

That voice of his reads a particular segment from the book. I’m not going to mention which scene it is 😉 Drown yourself in his voice and listen to the man. It’s injustice this is only a eleven minute video. I’d definitely buy an audio DVD of him reading the entire book of Pride and Prejudice. 



13 Comments Add yours

  1. To tell you the truth, I have been part of a discussion with a friend about the movie, and he’s almost convinced me that Ms Knightley was the wrong choice for Elizabeth. I’m sorry!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. o_O He what?! Keira was Elizabeth come to life just as Matthew was Darcy come to life! Oh well, leave him, what was your original opinion, babe?


      1. I’m almost convinced he’s right, I tell you! 😀
        And our argument is that she’s too beautiful to be Lizzy. And another bad factor is that this movie is set in the wrong era. It’s supposed be in the era of crinolines and hot-rollered curls.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. And I am so in love with the British accent right now, that I cannot breathe! It’s something like nectar flowing through the ears! ❤

          Liked by 1 person

          1. If you’re talking about Matthew MacFayden, I’m right with you on that! Damn that man! XD ❤ You should see the YouTube comments, though! 😄🙈

            Liked by 1 person

            1. He’s like, ‘Whoa! What is that magical thing going on in my ears?’

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I know!! ❤ He should seriously read the entire book, that DVD will be in huge demand for people all over the world!

                Liked by 1 person

        2. Oh! Right, I get it. But the crinolines aside, I’d say Elizabeth was beautiful, right? I mean, it’s not like she was a plain Jane without any means of turning a man’s head.


          1. You cannot have read Pride and Prejudice and used the name Jane in a phrase like that! *shakes head*
            And Lizzy was not this beautiful, she’s supposed to have been plainer. Just a tad bit. And lively eyes, a tad bit more on the lively.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Haha, I had that genius reminder right after I hit send! Plain and Jane don’t come in the same sentence in Pride and Prejudice!
              Yeah, Lizzy was not as captivating as Jane, but she was very vibrant, reasonably pretty, and I think Keira nailed that extremely well, babe 😀


            2. I’d agree with you on the costumes not completely matching the era in which it should have belonged to. But I guess the movie was more of a modern adaptation, with a slight difference, yet too beautiful to behold. Plus, the locations and quality of colour were really brilliant.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. None of my comments lead to mean that I do not enjoy this movie! I cannot be a human being to not enjoy this movie! 😀

                Liked by 1 person

                1. And I cannot be human to say you didn’t enjoy it, hon XD Of course you did! This is only Keira we’re talking about here 😀


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